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ChiaGuthaus ChiaSmart ChiaBill
matt guthaus and matt smart and bill merrill

Welcome to the ChiaHouse page.
ChiaHouse began as a house of 3 University of Michigan grad student computer geeks. We are all still computer geeks, but Smart and Bill have sold-out and are working for their start-up, Arbor Networks. Guthaus is the noble one and has stayed at U of M and is working on his PhD.

ChiaHouse is a place of much slack. When it comes down to it we've become pretty darn busy people slaving away on school and our projects. Here's some of the things we like to do wasting precious time at home:

We Grill. We Grill a lot. Grilling is good.
In fact, we grill every thursday and you're (probably) invited. Let us know you're coming and we'll throw another chip on the barbie.
grillin silicon

ChiaPhdia: We're all busy considering our PhD tracks:
check out our list of possibilites.

Check out this little piece of mail we received recently:

	Dear Residence of Chia House,

	I understand you are fans of the Chia. My question is, to what degree does
	your fanaticism range. I ask because I work for the television show A&E Top
	10, and we're doing an episode entitled Top 10 Wackiest TV Products. One of
	the products on our list is the Chia pet. We would like to do a shoot with
	a super fan. Someone who has a house full of Chia stuff, etc. Let me know
	if you think you can help. Write back as soon as possible, or call me
		directly at ***-***-**** x ****. Thanks.

		****** *********
		A&E Top 10
(Un)Fortunately we are not that wierd.

Some ChiaHouse Pursuits

The Patron Saints of

Moose N Squirrel

Our Patron Saints
Yes, Chia is floating, he can do that.

brought to you by the official webmaster of ChiaHouse. email me if you've got nothing better to do. ChiaHouse is in no way affliated with those people who make Chia(tm) and The Clapper(tm), though we think there stuff is pretty cool =). We're very pleased with our ChiaHead and are amazed at what those seeds will grow on! No more HairClub for me!